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A Weekly Word from Your Pastor

A Weekly Word from your Pastor


“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

We live in a world of turmoil. There is drama everywhere. It only takes a few minutes on any news outlet and you are discouraged and saddened by the upheaval of the world. We say that we want peace, but often it is the peace we define not the peace that Jesus brings. The world will never know peace as long as sin reigns in the heart of mankind. Sin is the opposite of peace. It brings turmoil, drama and discouragement with every sinful action. There is no way to have peace in this world without Jesus.

Jesus’ peace is found in the very presence of His Holy Spirit in our lives. When we walk in the Spirit we will not be hounded by the spirit of sin. When we are free from sin we can be at peace in our innermost self. The world can be falling apart around us and we can walk with a peace that surpasses understanding.

Jesus showed us that peace in His own life. He was at peace in the midst of the storm because He knew that the storm would not harm Him. When we are in the storm with Jesus the storm may cause damage, but it cannot harm us.

Jesus walked in peace towards Calvary. He was at peace with His decision to obey His Father’s will. We may have trouble, but remember Jesus told us not to be troubled. If you have trouble you can let it control you or you can control the trouble. We need to find the peace of God that goes beyond our understanding. We need to know the Jesus of peace and allow that peace to change us into the people God want us to be.

It is sad when Christians come apart when there is a threat to our world. It is sad that we are more worried about the world’s situation than we are about the spiritual situation of those around us. We are worried when it looks like our world is coming apart. The disciples were the same way in the storm. And when the storm was over Jesus told them they had little faith.

We need great faith to know peace in the midst of the storm. I pray that you will know peace. I pray that your faith will be enriched that whatever your situation that you can know the peace of God that transcends all understanding. I pray that peace will be that calm quiet demeanor that says, “Jesus is in charge.”


Dear Jesus, help us to carry your peace wherever we go. Help us to live in your peace. May we grow in our faith that no matter the storm we can have your peace in the midst of that storm. Thank you for providing real peace in the middle of a world full of storms. In Christ name we pray, Amen.

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