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Daily Devotion 6.21.20


June 21, 2020

“Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.” Proverbs 17:6

You don’t get to choose your father. Mine was 29 when I was born. He was a workaholic. He drove trucks, worked on trucks, and ate and breathed trucks. As I got older he became an important man in a leasing firm. He traveled over the southeast and helped trucking companies lease trucks. I went many times with Mom and picked him up from the airport. It was always fun to see him come down the steps of the plane.

As I got older and moved away to college, Dad was able to purchase the trucking company he had worked for, for so many years. It was called P & L Transportation. I was a very proud son. He made many friends in the business. In 2008 with the sugar refinery burned down in Portwentworth, GA, Dad’s business took a hit. The man he was selling his business to disappeared. Dad was left holding the bag. He took a hit, but didn’t stop doing his best. I was very fortunate in 2010 to move them to Travelers Rest. I am so glad to have them here and part of our church.

My Dad has taught me so much in my life. I am indebted to him for my work ethic. My Dad provided for his family above and beyond the call of duty. He taught me that I could do anything I put my mind to. Dad graduated from High School, but was self-made in every other aspect of his life. He taught me that with hard work you could go far. He also taught me how to dabble in a little of everything. Because of my Dad I can change the oil in my car, run electrical outlets, hang ceiling fans, do a little building and just about anything else he put his mind too.

When I was a teenager I was pretty rebellious and didn’t treat my Dad very well. He could have taken my car and stop me from doing some things, but he let me find out for myself. Finally I came to my senses and realized just how smart my Dad was.

One of the smartest things my Dad ever did was go with us as a family to church. I saw him get involved in church activities. He helped with RAs and the youth. He sang in a quartet and was a deacon. He was a leader in the church where I grew up. He was on several very important committees and was even treasurer for a while. My Dad taught me the importance of God and His church. For that example I will forever be grateful.

The day I got saved I was standing at my Dad’s feet listening to our pastor who had come for Sunday dinner. Dad had invited him because I was asking questions about salvation. Dad steadied me between his legs as the pastor told me about Jesus. It was the best decision of my life. Years later when I made the second best decision of my life to marry Peggy, my Dad, stood as my best man.

Now I get to help take care of Dad like he took care of me for so many years. I get aggravated at him like he did me way back then, but that is okay. We love one another and respect one another. I would not trade my Dad for anything in this world. On this Father’s Day I am happy to say, I love my Dad! He is the greatest. “Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.” (Proverbs 17:6.) Thank you God for my Dad.


Dear Jesus, thank you for my Dad. I appreciate all that he taught me while I was growing up. I am grateful to have him so close to me during his aged years. Help me to be as good of a son as he is a Dad. Help him to have a good day today and especially thank you that he taught me about you. In Your Name I pray, Amen.

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