July 3, 2020
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
Romans 12:21
It is easy to fall into the trap. We can find ourselves being led into conversations that we would better left alone. We make comments without really thinking about what we say. We jump to conclusions. We are quick to judge and quick to turn away in disgust. If we are all honest with ourselves we are all guilty of being self-righteous.
To many times I find myself being drawn into a conversation that I know I am not going to win. I find myself feeling harsh to someone just because they have a different mindset or opinion that I do. I find myself being catered to only one opinion without ever really understanding the other opinion.
When it is all said and done I find myself with a sick feeling in my gut and I know I haven’t represented Jesus like I should. I have let my guard down and have thought evil thoughts and nod my head in frustration. I have failed to show Christ love and have alienated someone instead of showing them Christ.
Today we live in a polarized world. Either your right or left, black or white, gay or straight. You either or politically correct or politically inept. Either you have the right opinion or you have no opinion at all if it doesn’t’ agree with mine.
The pledge of allegiance of the United States of America says, “…one nation, under God…” Yet when you look at our nation we don’t look very united. We are more like several nations all fighting for their rights. We have allowed evil to separate us and divide our nation.
Tomorrow is the celebration of our nations beginning. The Declaration of Independence says, “All men are created equal.” The Bible says that “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.” (2 Corinthians 5:14-15.)
Maybe we can win back our nation by learning that we are to live for the one who died for us. Maybe we can celebrate our national freedom by being connected to the one who offers us life abundantly. Maybe we can celebrate whole heartedly because we have learned that only through Jesus can we allow evil to overcome good. Until we wholeheartedly follow Jesus evil will overcome good. Let’s not allow that to happen.
Dear Lord, forgive us when we allow evil to overcome good. Help us to implement what you have taught us. Help us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Help us to work together to find peace and harmony. We do not have to always agree with our fellow man, but we can learn to accept them as your children even when they do not acknowledge you as Lord. Help us to condemn sin, but love the sinner. You did and it is up to us to do the same. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.