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Daily Devotion 7.5.2020

July 5, 2020

“For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,” Ephesians 2:14

Several years ago I had the wall torn out in my office. It opened up my office to a very nice space. It allows me to see people without having to sit behind my desk. A good friend helped to tear the wall out and do the cosmetic work that make everything look fine. I enjoyed tearing up the wall. Breaking down the wall was fun just because you were able to tear something up. We broke down the wall and it opened up a whole new perspective.

In the temple in Jerusalem there was a wall. It was about 4 feet high and separated the outer temple from the place where sacrifices were made. Written on the wall in the language of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek were the words “No one but Jews allow beyond this wall.” The Jewish religion believed that only Jews were allowed to access God. Everyone else were not as privileged as they were.

Today sometime I think we are like the Jews. We believe that since we already have access to God that unless you become like us, believe like us, think like us, and see things the way we see them that others are not allowed access to God. Yet that is not true.

Paul addressed this very issue to the church at Ephesus. He wanted to remind the gentiles in Ephesus that without Jesus they too would be excluded. But Jesus came to break down the wall of separation. Paul says, “…who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.” (Ephesians 2:14.) Paul was referring to Hebrews and Greeks. Today we must refer to not just two groups but all groups. Jesus came to break down the wall that separates us all.

Today we are living in a volatile world. Everyone is begin offended by someone. Even the innocent feel like they are being attacked when they have sat quietly on the sidelines. Even those who are willing to accept others are being attacked because they are not accepting enough. There is almost a no win situation.

Yet we are called to break down walls. Jesus broke down the walls between ethnic groups, gender, and economic groups. He was someone who sought to find good in everyone. We should be like Jesus.

My prayer for all of us is that we would take heed this very old but wise saying, “Any fool can build a wall, it takes a genius to build a bridge.” Why not be a bridge builder in your words, your thoughts and your actions.


Dear Jesus, help us to be bridge builders. Help us to show love to all people whether we agree with them or not. Help us to stop judging and trying to have conversations so that we can better understand them. Help us to break down walls and show the love of Jesus to everyone. I ask in your name, Amen.

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