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Daily Devotion 7.6.2020


July 6, 2020

“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:17b-19

Ever pulled up a tree or a bush from your yard? I have done this several times. It amazes me what far reaching roots some of the trees that I have displaced have. I remember using a tractor once to pull up a tree and as I pulled it up one of its roots went almost ten feet away from the truck. It snaked its way along the grass and followed the truck as I pulled it up.

There is no doubt that we all know that the success of a tree or bush is its root system. The root system is essential to the growth of a tree or bush. Without a root system seeking out water and food the tree or bush will die. An elaborate root system just assures a strong health tree or bush.

How is your spiritual root system? How deep do your roots go so that you may stand the storms of life? I know I have noticed people who you would think were grounded completely fall apart when a storm hit because they did not have a strong root system. I have seen committed church workers completely fall away from church because something happened in their lives that they felt they couldn’t handle. When our root system is shallow then our lives are easy to move.

Paul prayed that our root system would be “rooted and established in love.” The key to our root system is love. If we have and know the love of Jesus then our root system will be spreading out to find ways of ministry and service. We will not be serving to check off a box. We will be serving because it is a part of who we are in Jesus.

Ask yourself this question, “Is my root system deep enough to withstand any storm the world throws at me?” If so continue to nurture your system. If not plant yourself with God’s word, God’s people and God’s presence and stabilize those roots. Your life will be better and stronger no matter what the world throws at you.


Dear Lord, help us to be rooted and established in love. Help us to become mature believers in Jesus so that we may share His love and grow in His love. Help us to not allow a little wind to blow us off course. Help us to stay the course because we have a strong root system safely attached to you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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