Making the Most of Your Time!
And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. Romans 13:11
So how are you spending these days while we are asked to stay home? Many people are working in their yards. Some are doing home improvement projects. Some are taking day trips and riding around and seeing all of the beautiful scenery. But what about at night? Are you wasting away in front of the television? I have a suggestion.
Why not spend some time getting to know God better? Take an hour every night and turn off the television and read a passage of scripture and discuss it among yourselves. If you live alone call a friend and ask them to read the passage and then call them back and discuss it over the phone. Many of you are used to coming to Sunday School, well it has now been several weeks since you have heard a teacher teach Sunday School. Have you just decided it will have to wait or are you using your time wisely?
Are you reading the Bible and getting confused? Write down your questions and call one of your pastors. We are here and ready to help. My prayer is that we don’t have to catch up after we get back together, but that we can move forward.
Don’t allow the circumstances of the world to dictate how you are maturing in your faith towards Jesus. Learn something new. Read something you have never read before. Call and ask for a good spiritual book to read. I have a library full and so does the church. Let’s spend this “home” time getting excited about God, not moping around just wishing for something to happen. Let’s make it happen.
I want to be able to get together soon and hear what God has taught you during you “stay at home” time. Let the Holy Spirit make a difference in your life and make the most of your time.
Dear Holy Spirit, speak to us so that we might be able to say we have learned better who you are and what you are saying to our lives. Help us not to sulk in our misery, but to flourish in our time. In Jesus name, Amen!